Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cultural differences in games

While games are made all over the world and are a multi-billion dollar industry. video-games are usually made for specific audiences, and this audience is usually determined by where the game was developed and produced. This leads to many games dealing with similar philosophical and moral questions but from different cultural perspectives.

For example, The Fallout series of games, are developed in the United States and have very clear messages about war, humanity and equality. The main message of the series is that "war never changes" in that no matter what time or level of thechnology is achieved, people will fight about something. This may seem like a universally accepted message, but that is not so.

Another series of games called Metal Gear from Japan that has been around for over 20 years, also has messages about war, humanity and equality. However their main message is in fact "war has change" in that, why a person fights is irrelevant, it is the way we fight that matters and as we have become more advanced war is losing its humanity.

These philosophies are incompatible and are often debated by fans of both series as both series, Metal Gar and Fallout are well respect and beloved by their fans.

Please decide for yourselves

Metal Gear Solid 4 War has changed

Fallout War never changes

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